Animation dance, CO2 visualisations and nifty plugins. It's time for the monthly inspiration from us. Enjoy!

Handy Video Compression

We found this compression service quite useful for one of our web projects.
MP4 Compressor - Reduce Video File Size - VEED.IO
Common Ground - Product Design Studio

Create isometric shapes in Figma

Fast Isometric is a fun plugin that lets you create isometric shapes directly in Figma.
Fast Isometric | Figma Community

Noise and textures in Figma

This lovely plugin lets you create noise and textures in Figma for fills and strokes.
Noise & Texture | Figma Community

Design system inspiration

SJ, the Swedish national railway, has created a design system that feels both comprehensive and useful.

And some goodies from Twitter, sorry X

Scary but very illuminating visualisation of CO emissions globally.

Do you like creating animations? It’s time to level up your game!

That’s all for this month!

/ The Common Ground Team

A Monthly inspiration by Common Ground ✦